Overhead door stops is a device installed on the top of the door with an arm attached to the frame. Overhead stops can be surface mounted or can be concealed in the grooves on top of the door. Overhead door stops normally have built-in material that help reduce the wear and tear of the door as it stops the swing of the door. When the door stopping does not exceed 110o this device is the most efficient by far. It is recommended to use overhead stops on the doors furnished with door closers, as door closer is not expected to perform the stop function properly.
There are other variations such as hold open function and friction open function. Hold open function will hold the door once it reaches a certain degree of opening. A friction open function can hold the door open at any point along the door’s path.
If an overhead stop is used together with door closer special template and additional hardware is required to allow both pieces of hardware to be installed on the door. Their mounting locations may conflict each other and special adapters may be needed to arrange. Please note that friction door holder cannot be used with door closers because they will work against each other.